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Deviation Actions

mickmoart's avatar

Yeah....it's been awhile since I wrote ANYTHING in a DeviantArt blog! I suppose i'd been long overdue!

Well, to put it blatantly! It has been THE ROUGHEST YEAR I ever had on record in 2013! I had been creating whenever I had to, even resorting to drawing in laundromats! WHICH HAS NOT BEEN MUCH!

And really, I had been reclusive from what I consider to be a failed comic book scene overrun by the rich and untalented that just come in and do a terrible job at it! You know something!? When I got into comic books and art in general....I had to learn anatomy in art college for 3 years! And you had to be published in SOMETHING!

NOW....any rich 20-to-30-something-of-age can get into an art/comics show with lackluster talents. AS LONG AS THEY HAVE THE MONEY!!! The shit can be poorly drawn with hardly any original thoughts whatsoever.

I was doing comic book things when it was uncool to do! And not that is it a cool-trendy thing to do! I DON'T LIKE IT AS MUCH AS I DID! As I sometimes still do now, as far as proposals go. I have the satisfaction of knowing....I HAD TALENT!!! [And still do, by any means!]

Oh, comic books shows are bought and sold out out to the wealthy and THEN appeal to the masses and sheep! There was a time I was doing it....and I got into comics through my skill sets! That's how I eventually got with The Comics Creators Network, then Radio Comix, then Antarctic Press, and even Conan and Unsealed: Alien Files! But so much has changed, cause the terrain of it all has changed!

Nowadays....I tend to be more reclusive then ever before! Cause I know comics are just a money game for the overly-rich and snobbish! The ones who attend EVERY SINGLE DAMNED SHOW!!! And then proceed to rub it in your face. Cause let's face it....THEY ARE OVERRATED MILLIONAIRES! They either inherit the money cause they are related to riches...or they are just fortunate lottery winners! But the have the means to do some of the shit, cause of the squandered riches!

Hell, even living for 4 decades in the Kansas City, Missouri area. I noticed right off that the mainstream comic shows here were outsourced to the rich and [at many times] untalented! Yeah, the UN-ARTISTIC MINDS, they don't really get it either! Sure you have a few who DID get into comics and shows because of their talents and skill sets. But the rest is just bought and sold out to the rich and powerful! Hell, some of those famous actors don't even draw or write nothing at all! Because....HEY, IT'S JUST A MONEY-MAKING SHOW TO THEM!! And a novel money-making opportunity for Illiminati endeavors!

It is just corporate industry eating off the of the poor and the starving! The ones who CAN AFFORD to travel on planes and afford these rich bastard lifestyles of Robin Leech-like leeches! It's horrible!

The last comic show I did. It took a guy 3 DAYS to even realize who I was! He stuck his nose up so high in the air, that he did not realize he was doing this to a PTSD survivor of myself! But that is what they do when they are millionaires! The ones who pay the slaves in art to do their dirty work! I'd rather not say names, but this is what they really do! ALL OUTSOURCED TO THE RICH AND SNOBBISH!

Me, I had been living off of the poorness since March 2013 of this year this year and getting back to what I was doing to begin with. To such an extreme. I didn't have a whole lot of time to do what was innate within me. It goes that way sometimes! When you live in Missouri, it's such a harsh environment anyway! It just sucks out here....and having health problems on top of that just adds to the mix of misery, depression and PTSD!

I was juggling numerous health problems over the year! And my small cat was diagnosed with feline diabetes. So I had to look after him as well. Cause he's my cat-boy! And like myself, I did not want him being alone for long periods of time! They were going to kill my cat! But I never let them! Because Bandit has remained pure towards me when the ailing comic books “scene” didn't!

I went towards cheaper entertainment this year! Anything that was affordable! From cheap Kansas City Royals games to going to art museums to even going to comedy shows! And even going to a Kansas City Crypticon in town! [Also very affordable....even if you are poor from health problems!]

Perhaps I am coming into my own again with the art thing! Zdzisław Beksiński was morbidly reclusive too. He was self taught and didn't even like going to his own art shows! I AM LIKE THAT AS WELL! I don't like talking on phones or doing radio interviews. I have never been to any of my art shows when I did the Conan O'Brien stuff for the TBS people.

My newer visions are still yet to come! TRUE ARTISTIC VISIONS! Not this over-hyped overinflated rich boy crap that looks like a 5-minute scribble AND IT'S DONE FOR 300 DOLLARS! Nope, none of this shit to cater to the rich and unimaginative! I am about to go my own way again....because this will be the future of Mickmo art as YOU and I know it! It may take some time....but I HAVE TO BE ME! If it does not feel right....I do not end up doing what I really NEED to do with what it needs to be! IT CANNOT BE RUSHED!

I am seeking out my definite visions once again! NEW VISIONS THAT ARE MY OWN! Stuff with depth and scope, as best as my hand and my mind will allow me to do! And yes, I have had PLENTY of great ideas! But I have not had a whole lot of time to work some of them out this year due to so many obstacles of health and being piss-poor. Living month-to-month in a barren Missouri wasteland! I am just now writing the most recent of blogs! So what does that tell you!?

Yes, my definitive visions may offend some fan-boys or fan-girls!? Or it may be the best stuff I ever do! Either way....I may be mounting a comeback either way! Away from the corporate whore-mongers that plague this very harsh environment I call THE KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI AREA!

Or maybe me and my true vision just never went away at all!? They'd just been dormant and ready for another catastrophic strike!

SILENCE WILL FALL IN 2014! [….Soon!] 

© 2013 - 2024 mickmoart
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